tips for traveling with a dog.

Newport Beach, CA, April 2020

Newport Beach, CA, April 2020

Sweet Charles is quite the traveler. So far, in his eight years of life, the big guy has lived in two different states, moved five times, been to two national parks, and visited twenty-two states. That’s more than most humans in their entire lives! Traveling with a dog isn’t always easy, it can definitely limit what you can do and where you stay. Here are my best tips for traveling with a pup!
Plan ahead! When traveling with a dog, you have to plan ahead and be prepared for where you are doing. 

John Muir Overlook, San Fransisco, CA, July 2019

John Muir Overlook, San Fransisco, CA, July 2019

Research. Even if the restaurant has a patio, it may not be dog friendly. 

I often use the Bring Fido app. This is a super helpful website where you can enter your destination city and find places to stay, restaurants, and activities that are dog friendly in that area. Keep in mind, not every dog friendly place makes it to the site. If a place I want to go isn’t listed, I usually call ahead and double check. 

Pack a “dog bag.” Similar to a diaper bag, I pack a bag for Charlie every time we go somewhere. I always include treats, more food than I think I will need, a couple of toys, and these collapsable water bowls. These bowls are great for in the car! 

Cross Country Driving, May 2020

Cross Country Driving, May 2020

I also like to pack Charlie’s normal food and water bowls. Dogs are creatures of habit and they like to eat and drink out of their same bowls. I think this helps Charlie feel comfortable when we are going for long drives and staying in hotels. 

Big Sur, CA, July 2019

Big Sur, CA, July 2019

Towels! I always lay down the seats in the car and lay towels out for him to lay on. This makes it more comfortable for Charlie and helps lessen the hair that gets in the car. The towels are also helpful if he spills while eating. Yes….on long drives, I lay out food and water for him in the car! 

Cross Country Driving, May 2020

Cross Country Driving, May 2020

I love this dog paw cleaner. Whether we are going to the beach or hiking, Charlie’s paws get dirty. Rocks or sand may get stuck in between his paw pads. This cleaner helps sanitize his feet so they don’t get infected or itchy. 

Always have plenty of dog bags, pack more than you think you will need. 

I love this waterproof and sand proof blanket! Not only is it good for when you take your dog to the beach but also, this blanket is great to lay down in your car. It prevents hair, leaves, sand, etc. from sticking!

Waterproof Blanket, Huntington Beach, CA, May 2020

Waterproof Blanket, Huntington Beach, CA, May 2020

If visiting National Parks, keep in mind, dogs are NOT allowed on the trails. Dogs are, however, allowed in most National Park campgrounds and they are allowed on the roads. You can get an extremely expensive fine if spotted with your dog on the trails. 

Badlands National Park, May 2020

Badlands National Park, May 2020

Research dog friendly trails ahead of time. I like using the All Trails app.

Doe Mountain Trail, Sedona, AZ, November 2019

Doe Mountain Trail, Sedona, AZ, November 2019

Not all camp grounds are dog friendly, many are just service dog friendly. Make sure to do your research ahead of time, and keep in mind, most camp grounds do not allow dogs off leash. When camping with a pup, make sure to have more than enough water and think ahead, if you are going to be hot, the pup will be even hotter. Make sure to keep the pup at a comfortable temperature.

Sherwin Creek Campground, Mammoth, CA, July 2019

Sherwin Creek Campground, Mammoth, CA, July 2019

Stop for frequent bathroom breaks. Even if you think your dog doesn’t have to go potty, let him out of the car to stretch his legs. Dogs aren’t used to long car rides and they need to get out and stretch just like you do!

Be patient. Dogs aren’t used to traveling and new places can be scary for them. Everything takes longer when you have a dog. Make sure to reassure him that you are with them and they will be just fine!

Not all beaches are dog friendly. Make sure to research if your dog is allowed on the sand or not.

Morro Bay, CA, April 2020

Morro Bay, CA, April 2020

From what I have found, all La Quinta’s and Residence Inn’s are dog friendly. You will however, have to pay a dog fee. 

If you plan to leave your dog back while you do some activities, I recommend staying in a dog friendly AirBnB so your dog isn’t alone in a hotel. We have found some great AirBnB’s with fenced in yards for the dog. 

Holiday Inn, Rapid City, SD, May 2020

Holiday Inn, Rapid City, SD, May 2020

Just enjoy! Honestly, traveling with a dog makes things so much more fun! I have loved traveling with my best buddy and making life long memories with him!

Morro Bay, CA, April 2020

Morro Bay, CA, April 2020




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